Frankenstein post 1 – oh my!

So, I’ve recorded one book for Iambik Audio (the lengthy and wonderful Oh Pure and Radiant Heart, by Lydia Millet) and I have a second lined up, which I am genuinely very excited about. It’s a huge change from OPRH, different genre, totally different narration style, and likely a different audience. I’ve been doing practice reads and working out how I want it to sound, because it’s very distinctive (in my imagination, at least.)

But the problem is, Frankenstein has GOT me. I’ve been thinking about making a free public domain recording of it for more than a year now, and the other day, I thought I’d just try out a sample recording, as a warm-up, you know. Two weeks and nine sections later, I am still largely in denial about this activity. The deadline for $newBook is April and that’s a while away still. And in the meantime, Frankenstein, which is NOT officially being read, I haven’t started a thread for it at LibriVox or anything … is somehow sneaking into files on my computer.

I’m not reading from the 1818 edition, which is rather less flowery than the 1831 “gosh, people like my book, I’d better revise it to make it more suitable for a wider audience” version. I’m not agonising over whether the Preface should be file 00, or considered an integral part of the book and numbered 01. I’m not wondering at all whether I might sound anything like Mary Shelley, and I definitely haven’t looked around online to see if any other women have ever recorded it (couldn’t find any.) I’ve not listened to Simon Vance’s widely available and very excellent version nor subsequently thought about how I myself would have approached those accents and voices.

Really, I’m only trying to fool myself, and I’m not even doing a good job of that. This book has completely gripped me, and I am enjoying recording it hugely. Last time I read the paper version, it was the 1831 one, and that seemed to drag … I’m not even sure I finished it. 1818 is (relatively!) punchy, and different in many ways (according to various comparisons and discussion online) that I approve of. (See also this listing of the 1823 edition’s changes.) A key aspect is the importance of free will in this version, vs. fatalism in the later edition. It’s less conventional — by the standards of the Nineteenth Century, at least. It’s a great book.


  • Thank you Cori for making the audiobook of Frankenstein avaliable to listen online. Both my wife and I thoroughly enjoy your narration that brings the characters and story to life.
    Kind regards,
    TY & PN

  • Hullo again, Fosco. I’m definitely doing SOMETHING to Frankenstein … and it will be what it will be. (Relieved to hear about the mice.)

    Richard – thankyou! If you liked Nesbit’s writing for adults, there’s another story of hers that I really enjoyed reading, “The Five Senses” in

    Re. Frankenstein: I’ve not finished it yet — am about an hour through of 8 hours total listening time. I’ll definitely announce here when it’s done, though! I’m hoping the long weekends of Easter and May Day will speed it along nicely.

  • Cori,
    Is there a way to download your reading of Frankenstein?
    I really liked your reading of “The Ebony Frame”
    U R a great artist :)!!!!!

  • Fosco here. You were spot on with guessing it was Collins by the way =), though rest assured I am not creepy, fat, old, nor do I own any mice.

    I remember Frankenstein. I think it was one of the few books that made me cry. Whether this indicates a good book, or a overly-sensitive reader, I do not know…

    I really wouldn’t over think it. Less Hamlet-esque paralysis please =). Granted, as students of literature, we are prone to become mired in our own musings, but I’m sure your fans (and you have many) are dying to experience whatever you choose to do to Frankenstein…

    – Fosco

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