Jane Austen is my freind!

I thought another project would finish first, but no — Love and Freindship by Jane Austen is my début solo at Librivox.  Clocking in at just over an hour, it still fits on an audio CD, and has some splendid Schubert to begin and end with (he was younger than Jane, but not by a long way, they overlapped a decade or two.  So it’s not horribly anachronistic, I hope.)

Now to decide what to work on next … my To Do collection is vast and ever-growing.


  • Thankyou Michael, I love Nesbit, no matter whether she’s writing for adults or children — she has a lovely turn of phrase and style.

    mandarine, you would not BELIEVE the cat-hair I live with on a daily basis (ginger, too, amongst others) so yours will be unnoticed, and you are welcome here any time.

    Thanks, Brad … having read collaboratively for so long, it was quite a change to do something entirely alone — but I think I love doing it! Love and Freindship is so splendidly silly, it’s hard to find something I’m going to enjoy that much, to do next.

  • I followed along with Water Babies and was thinking of asking you to get going on another solo project right away! So I’m excited to listen to Love and Freindship. I always enjoy listening to your readings.

  • Hi, Cori.
    I just listened to your recording of The Ebony Frame (I’m a sucker for ghost stories), and it was the best reading I’ve found on Librivox so far. I’m just looking at the others you’ve recorded so I can check them out. Thanks so much for volunteering your voice – this is a great project, and you’ve made it even better.
    Have a great day,

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