Mary Shelley’s Mathilda
My latest solo work is finished. I post-processed Mathilda, by Mary Shelley, for Project Gutenberg (that is, smoothed the proofread pages into a single document, both plaintext and HTML) so was very familiar with it (and with Mary’s quirky spelling which I tried to keep intact in the final work.) I actually started reading this about a year ago, and recorded the second half of it last month — but I really wasn’t happy with the shift in quality, since I’d upgraded my microphone in the intervening time, and learnt to be a bit more patient in reading speed. So, here we go … a mournful tragedy:
Two things to note — although this story is about an incestuous relationship, it’s not salacious. If it were a musical, it’d be seriously Emo. Or, my grandmother could have listened to it without her hair curling. Second, anytime Mary writes “I will be brief”, you can be sure she’s about to be anything BUT brief. The runtime is somehow only 4hrs, though.
Audio for Chapter 1: [audio:]
Hi Cori-this isn’t exactly a comment since it’s about Librivox. I can’t leave any messages on the Librivox site-not even on error reports!! The login seems to work ok, and I can get into the magic windows for the ones that I’m BC for, but I can’t leave any messages-every time I try I’m asked to log in again, and the message isn’t posted. Could you send me an email if you’ve got any advice? ps I think your podcasts are very good, and I wouldn’t mind contributing myself.ttfn RS/hefyd
Thankyou! Please feel free to link as you like. (Listening to Gogol Bordello right now; oh, the internet is just wonderful!)
Dear Cori,
I do work on my laptop that’s incredibly boring and repetetive, and I stumbled across one of your recordings in LibriVox (audiobooks are my sanity when working). I have to say, as awkward as this sounds, that your voice is really pleasant and you read well. Do you mind if I link to your blog from mine?